"We are what we repeatedly do;
therefore, excellence is not an
act but a habit." - Aristotle
Wise words for writers, for in order to become an excellent writer, one must write...repeatedly. For writing is more than putting words on a page, more than transposing thoughts sprouting in a fertile mind and weaving them together to tell a story. Writing is something writers do, are driven to do regardless of time, circumstance and, quite frequently, for no reward other than having the satisfaction of seeing our thoughts unfold on each page.
My Journey to Publication - Writing is, must be, a constant learning experience. Over the years I've attended Beach Bound Retreats on Isle of Palms, SC, sponsored by the LRWA; multiple conferences, and one invaluable class on ‘Voice’ at the Chautauqua Institute in New York. Each has provided me with countless ideas and tools to help me pursue my writing career. When time permits, taking selective online classes is helpful and encouraging. I’ve entered several contests and am proud to have placed second and fourth with two separate entries from my first manuscript, and took first place in 2009 with a scene from Deadly Reflection, the first book in my Deadly Triad series.
In 2010 I attended RWA's National Conference in Orlando and within months obtained a three book contract for the Deadly Triad series. The RWA National conference in 2013 was in Atlanta, and I was thrilled to attend as a published author. In 2017 my publisher closed. I am currently self-publishing, a new and often daunting journey.
About Me - I live in the heart of Wine Country along the shores of Lake Erie in Western Pennsylvania. My husband, a former member of the Marines and the Pennsylvania State Police Department, is a built in advisor for military and law enforcement issues. He's been a constant source of encouragement and support, as well as an excellent cook. If not for him the past few years, I'd be a poster child for starving writers.
I've worked as a bank teller, veterinary assistant, fitness instructor, and at an exclusive lingerie boutique, but writing is now my focus.
My stories are romantic suspense with a hearth and home slant, and I strive to make them interesting and authentic by drawing from life experiences.
As a young girl my reading journey started with Thornton W. Burgess’s ‘Mother West Wind Stories’ and ‘The Bobbsey Twins’ series created by multiple authors. In my teens I fell in love with Ken from ‘My Friend Flicka’. I escaped to green valleys, wonderful old Victorian houses, and the rolling hills of Wyoming by just opening books and turning the pages.
My first romance story was ‘Mrs. Mike’ by Benedict Freedman. I’ll never forget the handsome Canadian Mounty and the beautiful young bride he carried off to his world of adventure. Then I discovered Kathleen Woodiwiss’s powerful heroes, and more recently Suzanne Brockman’s men of action.
The stories changed from dog sledding in Canada, to Civil War battles, to Navy Seals saving the world. But the thread that wove them together through time was the unforgettable characters. And I fell in love with each and every one of them.
Where I'm Going - I have dabbled at writing from the time I was in high school, but the old cliché “life got in the way” applies. Then one fateful winter day I attended a presentation in Erie by several local authors. I had reservations about starting a new career at this point in my life, but I left that meeting with an “I can do this” feeling.
I have never looked back.